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NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN – for member elected Directors to the Board of TSC Ltd

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN – for member elected Directors to the Board of TSC Ltd

Shelagh Everett26 Jun 2021 - 09:55

Want to get involved in running and developing the Club? Find out more - Nominations close on 9th July 2021

NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN for the forthcoming election of Directors to the Board of Timperley Sports Club Ltd.

Why not get involved in helping run and develop the Club by standing for election to the Board, or joining one of our sub committee or working groups. There are all sorts of ways and roles available so have a chat with one of the current Board if you'd like to find out more. Take a look at out 2020 Annual Report (attached) to get a feel for the work of the Board and the running of the Club.

The Board is committed to attracting Directors with a range of skills and experience, as well as being reflective of our membership, to improve our diversity at Board level.
Nominations are welcomed from eligible members who are committed to the Club, with skills and experience needed to run and develop the Club and particularly from women to increase the gender balance.

Our 2nd Timperley Sports Club Limited (TSC Ltd) AGM is scheduled for Monday 19th July 2021 at 19:30. The AGM Notice, meeting Agenda and Information will be issued to members by the 5th July 2021. Elections are being held for three current vacancies on the Board for Directors elected from and by the members.

Nominations now open – TSC Ltd Directors
Nominations are now open for the role of elected TSC Ltd Board Directors. Find out more about the Board and how TSC Ltd is run below.

- If you are interested in finding out more about the role, the role of the Board and responsibilities please get in touch for more information or an informal chat.
- If you would like to put yourself forward for election please follow the process below.
- If you would like to consider the role of Director in the future and or develop into it we would welcome the opportunity to offer support and development opportunities to taking up the full role in the future. There are many ways to support the running of TSC Ltd in addition to being a full Board Director, if you would like to get involved, but can’t fully commit at present to the Director role, please get in touch and we can work with you to find a role that works for you and the Club and puts your skills, experience and energy to good use !

Please complete the TSC Ltd Director TSC Ltd NOMINATION FORM and submit online by 09:00 on Friday 9th July 2021.

More about the Director vacancies up for election:

- 3 vacancies for Director's on the TSC Ltd Board to be elected by eligible members
- The roles are open to all eligible members of TSC Ltd aged 18 and over
- These are all volunteer unpaid roles and Directors don't derive any benefits from their post
- as a (charitable) Community Benefit Society (CBS) registered with the FCA and HMRC, TSC Ltd Directors hold legal responsibilities and must act in the best interest of the Club in line with our Rules and relevant legislation for CBS's and Charities.
- Nominees must complete a 'fit and proper' person declaration and declare any current or potential conflicts of interest

The TSC Ltd Rules set out more details about the role of the Board and Directors and the make up of the Board (Rule 75). In addition to the elected Directors a Directors are also appointed from people put forward by each sports section, normally the Chair, and the Club's Honorary Club President.

The Board (All Directors) then appoint one of the Directors to be the Chair of the Board. Jarrod Sykes is the current Chair of the Board and Alan Holdsworth the Vice Chair. Details of the current Board are detailed below for information.

Do you have the skills and experience we need to continue to run and develop our Club ?
The Board is responsible for the overall running of the Club and has a wide range of strategic and operational responsibilities and like any Board requires a broad mix of skills and experience to be effective. Our sections are responsible in turn for running the delivery of our four sports.

We would welcome nominations from members who can bring a strong commitment and desire to develop the Club to deliver our core purpose set out in our Rules:

TSC Ltd OBJECTS: The club shall be for the public benefit:
(a) The promotion of community participation in healthy recreation for the benefit of the inhabitants of Timperley and surrounding areas by the provision of facilities for playing cricket, football, hockey, lacrosse and other sports.
(b) Without distinction of age, sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life, health and well being of the public.

The Board is looking for potential Directors with ideally one or more of the following skills and or experience areas:
- Finance, tax or business management
- Legal, governance or HR
- Data management, marketing and communications
- Health and Safety, safeguarding and risk management
- Community and sports development, ideally with grant and funding experience
- Building, facilities and grounds management
- Membership organisations and fundraising

The Board is also committed to having a range of skills and experience, as well as being reflective of our membership to improve our diversity at Board level. Nominations are welcomed from all who feel committed to the Club, with skills and experience to run and develop the Club and particularly from women to increase the gender balance.

The Board meet monthly and as well as sitting on the Board Directors also pick responsibility for specific areas and potentially lead one of our sub committees as well.

Nominations Process
If you wish to be put forward for the role of elected Director of TSC Ltd you need to meet the following criteria:

ELIGIBILITY: To stand for election as a Director you must be able to meet the following criteria to confirm your eligibility to stand as a Director of TSC Ltd:
- 18 years old or more
- a member of Timperley Sports Club Ltd (Playing or Non Playing Member. Associate Members are not eligible to stand as Directors)
- have paid your 2021-22 TSC Ltd Membership subscription (**see below)
- understand that you will be required to complete a 'Fit and Proper Person' declaration to become a Director and have no reason to believe that I cannot complete the requirements of a 'Fit and Proper' Person to hold the role of Director

- your nomination must be proposed and seconded by a current fully paid up member of TSC Ltd **(Playing or Non Playing aged 18+)

DECLARATON - confirm that in putting myself forward for election as a Director of TSC Ltd that you agree, if elected, to:
- act in the best interests of TSC Ltd in line with our Rules and specifically our Objects
- support the work of the Club / Board on a voluntary basis including responsibility for specific areas/projects and or sub committees
- adhere to the Board Code of Conduct, the Club Rules and Regulations

Please submit your online TSC Ltd NOMINATION FORM NOMINATION FORM by 09:00 on Friday 9th July 2021 including what you feel you can bring to take the Club forward and a summary of the skills and experience you will bring to the Board. Once submitted you will be able to amend your Nomination up to the closing date. This information will be shared with members as part of the election process.

The Election will be run electronically, and the results announced, and appointments confirmed at the 2nd AGM of TSC Ltd.

Jarrod Sykes (Chair) – elected at the 1st AGM and also TFC Chair
Alan Holdsworth (Vice Chair) – elected at 1st AGM
Shelagh Everett (also Society Secretary) – elected at the 1st AGM
Richard Knill –elected at the 1st AGM but standing down on rotation for re-election
Nick Burnett (Hon President) – appointed by the Board
Haroon Bangee (Hockey) – appointed by the Board
Phil Hartley (Lacrosse) – appointed by the Board
Bob Page(Cricket) – appointed by the Board
(One of the Directors elected at the 1st AGM is required in line with the Rules to stand down on rotation. As all Directors had been on the Board for the same time this was drawn by Lots and Richard Knill will be standing down on rotation for reelection)

If you would be interested in finding our more about being a Director of Timperley Sports Club Limited, standing for election or getting involved in any other way please contact: Shelagh Everett, TSC Ltd Secretary , or or speak to any of the current Board.

**Eligible Member / 2021-22 payment of subscriptions
We are in the process of rolling out the new TSC Club Management System that will manage membership applications and subscriptions going forward. Dates for payment of 2021-22 cricket and non member subscriptions have been extended to accommodate this. There is no change to the due date for subscriptions to be paid for Football, Hockey or Lacrosse - this remains 30th September 2021.

For these elections to stand for election or nominate a candidate to reflect this change over the following dates will apply:
- cricket and non playing members must have paid 2021 -22 subscriptions by 8th July 2021
- As lacrosse, hockey and football subs are not due until 30th September 2021, the nominee, proposer or seconder must have either paid up from 2020-21 OR have paid their 2021-22 subs by 8th July

Please contact Shelagh Everett with any queries on eligibility and we will endeavor to sort out and resolve any queries.


TSC Ltd - Annual Report 2020 (Summary)

Further reading