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Blue Pitch Crowdfunder donations - now extended to Midnight 30th September 2024

Blue Pitch Crowdfunder donations - now extended to Midnight 30th September 2024

Shelagh Everett30 Sep - 14:57
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Last chance to donate to the Blue pitch fundraiser - every £10 counts and saves £10 to spend / invest in other areas like drainage

Blue Pitch Crowdfunder campaign NOW CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT on 30th September 2024 to donate on line and gift aid donations.

So far we've raised £5416 from 87 donors - if we can have one final push and get 1 in 3 members (500) to donate a £10 we'll hit our £10,000 target. Ever £ raised towards the pitch frees up TSC funds to help pay for another c £15k's work needed on the drainage to address root damage / blockages as well as the recent invest in the grass renovation funded from club funds and a football foundation grant.

We've had brilliant feedback on the new pitch and so many people from people outside of the club asking how Timperley make these sorts of projects happen and how lucky we are.

The answer is of course years of planning, thinking ahead, good management of the club finances and of course the support and commitment of our members.

However we've have less than 87 people donation from across our 1500 members so this is a final call to help us hit our £10,000 target. In other clubs members would be trying to raise 10 to 20 times this figure.

We know times are challenging but everyone whose not donated even just gave £10 it would make a big difference - we'd smash the target and be able to invest in even more improvements to benefit members and facility users.

If you or your child is a members of timperley cricket, football, hockey or lacrosse please consider making a small (or larger!) donation

Click here to donate:

The pitch will be officially opened on Sunday 6th October and anyone /family donating £100 or more will have their name on the pitch opening board recognising their contribution

Thanks to everyone who has donated already.

Please take a few minutes to donate even if its a small amount to support this project. We've still lots to do at the club to keep improving things so every £1 raised towards the pitch costs helps us use club monies for the jobs like c£10k work on the drainage repairs and improvements at the back of the blue pitch

Click below to donate via crowdfunder and don't forget to gift aid if you can to increase your donation by 25%

Click here to donate:

Blue Pitch (Phase 1) - completed !
Have a quick read of the full update about phase 1 of the project (the pitch, whats new, whats been done), the plans for phase 2, funding and future TSC plans.

If any members are interested in the last off cuts of turf - ideal for the garden or on the drive please contact Col Taylor at and arrange to pop down to have a look at what size of roll of turf you'd be interested in. All we ask if that anyone who would like some of the turf if that they make a donation to the blue pitch fund.

If you've had a piece of turf and are still to donate please do so asap.

Further reading