Club Rules, Codes and Policies 1 of 3

1. Introduction - TSC Club Rules, Codes and Policies Framework

All members should be aware of, and are required to adhere to, general Club Rules and Polices and Codes including in regards to behaviour whilst on site, please find them attached below. Each sports section also has in place policies and codes relating to their specific sport. See section information and websites.

Timperley Sports Club Limited (TSC Ltd) is a member own and run Community Benefit Society. The Rules of TSC Ltd are registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and TSC Ltd is also registered with, and recognised by, HMRC as a charitable company.

The transfer of all activities of the former Timperley Sports Club were transferred to TSC Ltd following unanimous members approval at the EGM (February 2019) and AGM (June 2019). The current TSC Ltd Rules replaced the TSC Rules and Constitution.

TSC Ltd is currently updating and preparing a range of relevant Club-wide Policies and Codes and will be updating the website on an ongoing basis.

Our Sports Sections also have sport or governing body specific codes of conduct. See links to section websites.


Timperley Sports Club Limited Rules (February 2019)


TSC Age Verification Policy (Challenge 21)


TSC Unfit Pitch Decision Making Policy
